Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for July 31, 2014
Sherlock Holmes Creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) used to investigate closed cases and helped free to innocent men from prison. The static on an un-tuned TV set is partly caused by photon radiation left by the Big Bang 14 billion years ago. Farmers in Finland are spraying reindeer horns with glow in the dark paint to reduce the number of animals hit by cars.
Kali39 over 10 years ago
Conan Doyle also believed in ghosts and fairies…
jack fairbanks over 10 years ago
When the reindeer finally stop sexually badgering the cars, they won’t get hit so often
davidf42 over 10 years ago
We need to start doing that to the armadillos in Texas.
CogentModality over 10 years ago
The big bang? A brilliant flash of light and all of a sudden everything exists? Sounds just like the description given in Genesis!
Marv Walker over 10 years ago
Big bang leftovers…
Big Bang leftovers…
Big bang leftovers…
Big bang leftovers…
If I tell myself something long enough I’ll begin to believe it.
loner34 over 10 years ago
That would be an extra benefit.
GeorgeJohnson over 10 years ago
It’s called “deduction”.The look at what’s happening now, and basically “rewind” the clock and see what happens.Like our moon, they look at it’s orbit, and just run the numbers backwards so to speak to see where it came from.
The “Big Bang” is a theory, based on observation.
Actually, the TV’s would be picking up background radiation FROM the photons/BB, because a TV can’t pick up photons (light).
But the theory is sound. If we get energy from matter, then we can get matter from energy. So all that’s needed, is just vast amounts of energy. (same way the “replicator” on Star Trek works).The trick is, where did all that energy come from? That’s what nobody knows.
But this is a map of the energy your TV is seeing (actually, this really only works with old TV’s, digital TV’s shouldn’t see this, or not display anyway)
linsonl over 10 years ago
Actually, it is not static, but white noise. It is a big pest when working on certain radios, but there is no real proof it came from the big bang, just a theory.
rands1231 over 10 years ago
I believe in a Big God not a big bang
tuslog64 over 10 years ago
How well does the glowing antlers work?Deer are a highway pest in my area.
thrawn1388 over 10 years ago
antlers are different than horns
Bob. over 10 years ago
Horns go “toot toot”
Kali39 over 10 years ago
“So did a lot of people then and now. However his sleuth Sherlock Holmes did not.”..Which is the point. Someone did a one-act play once where Holmes confronted his creator about his … inappropriate … beliefs. Sure wish I could find it on You Tube – I’d love to see it again.
potrerokid over 10 years ago
Maybe, cuz they be smarter than you is!!!!!
SunnyArizona over 10 years ago
If you believe that about the static and the “big bang”, I have an island on the moon to sell ya!
boldyuma over 10 years ago
About the static on your TV..Years ago(1960’s) a car could drive by and give our rabbit ears fits..I asked a mechanic about it and he says back then some spark plug cables sparks not just to the plugs , but also to the valve covers..
MetalOverCountry over 10 years ago
Good work Mr. Doyle!