On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for October 21, 2016

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    Julius Marold Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Libertarian it is

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  2. Spookey the cat .3 150
    Spooky D Cat  over 8 years ago

    In my opinion, all candidates for national office should have to pass a test in history, economics, ethics, conflict resolution, and negotiation before their name is put on the ballot.

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago


    Obviously a fugitive from the “me generation” who never learned to “work well with others” and so must remain a cog in someone else’s gear train, contributing to the CEO’s wealth, but never to society’s betterment. Really sad.

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  4. Emily the strange 6
    Piksea Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Oh! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it could really be depended upon to be this simple and straightforward?

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  5. Angel cat
    noreenklose  over 8 years ago

    I do not mind helping the truly needy. But I do mind helping illegals- – -they have a country who didn’t help them. They come here and sponge, which THEIR former country wouldn’t allow them to do. Why should we?

    But too many greedy people have just decided to live on MY dime. Govt handouts will never cover everybody. The govt must not take ALL my money to take care of everyone else.

    The cheaters need to go to work, and pay their OWN way in this world. the illegals need to stay home in their own countries.

    The govt cannot become “everything” for “everybody”.

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago


    It would help. The only test is “native born citizen” and “over 35”. The only prohibited test is the religious one, and a lot in a certain party want to impose that one too.

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