I hope the kids that come knocking at our door, this Thursday, aren’t as finicky… I’ve bought three packets of assorted, wrapped sweets of the supermarket’s own brand…
Should have taken my advice from a couple days ago, Claire……. give a pound to Mom and Dad, freeze some, eat some. Give the kids more age friendly treats!
rshive over 5 years ago
If they’e not wrapped, they’ll have to be x-rayed or something.
A Common 'tator over 5 years ago
I hope the kids that come knocking at our door, this Thursday, aren’t as finicky… I’ve bought three packets of assorted, wrapped sweets of the supermarket’s own brand…
CarolinaGirl over 5 years ago
What a rude little girl. Take the chocolate back and shut the door!
T_Lexi over 5 years ago
Gourmet chocolate is wasted on [most] children.
szanwil2 over 5 years ago
Should have taken my advice from a couple days ago, Claire……. give a pound to Mom and Dad, freeze some, eat some. Give the kids more age friendly treats!
Iwa Iniki over 5 years ago
I cannot stand Lady Gaga. What a stupid name.