B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for February 19, 2010

  1. Hyacinth macaw
    sjoujke  about 15 years ago

    From the way the athletes are flaunting their snowboards and skis at the Olympics, I think he just might have something.

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  2. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  about 15 years ago

    Ah, is that what makes the Curling Stones roll faster?

    Or is it the Rolling Stones curl faster?

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  3. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  about 15 years ago

    Thereā€™s some other ideas you could have given her, Peter. But you would need to run fast! Olympic gold medal fast.

    Good Morning BC13

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  4. Missing large
    Pacejv  about 15 years ago

    So, he waxes sarcastic.

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  5. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  about 15 years ago

    How about outboard motors.

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  6. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  about 15 years ago

    Cynical but true, just take a look at NASCAR cars.


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  7. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  about 15 years ago

    Use jetskis.

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  8. Large dolphin1a
    DolphinGirl78  about 15 years ago

    Ć  la Wile E. Coyote of courseā€¦ :)

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  9. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    You may also want to put in a lighter subsitute for yourself.

    Good Morning, Lonewolf (again).

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  10. 0arrkls4l
    siredonnthedragon  about 15 years ago


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  11. Frog4
    Digital Frog  about 15 years ago

    Show her the ACME catalog, Iā€™m sure they have some rocket powered contraption that would fit her needs

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  12. But eo
    Rakkav  about 15 years ago

    A more aerodynamically sound figure.

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  13. Waving flag
    Trainwreck_1  about 15 years ago

    ā€œEndorsement Logosā€? If their trying to associate this with the Olympics it is then truly a sad day! And if by saying ā€œLook at the snowboards and skis your saying they are showing off brand names or any other type of advertisements you might be seeing whatā€™s happening but your not watching whatā€™s happening. Take what happened to Ryan Miller: http://www.overoll.com/Content/Miller-Time-slogan-for-US-goalie-is-bounced-/2010/2/17/181524.news And to compare the Olympic to NASCAR in anyway raises being ā€œCynicalā€ to new heights!

    Now that Iā€™m done with that Iā€™ll step down from my soapbox and sayā€¦ To Pacejv Very cleverā€¦

     •  Reply
  14. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 15 years ago

    BC13: ā€œYou may also want to put in a lighter subsitute for yourself.ā€

    When Iā€™m without a lighter I use matches as a substitute. But Iā€™ve never seen matches so big you could ski on ā€˜emā€¦

     •  Reply
  15. Missing large
    IndyMan  about 15 years ago

    Iā€™m surprised that the skis stay on top of the snow with ā€˜Fat Broadā€™ on them then again it would probably take a whole can of wax to get them to go fast with her.

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  16. Missing large
    Pacejv  about 15 years ago

    @PaulMā€¦thank youā€¦.or as they say, in Spain, ā€œMuch Grass.ā€Actually, Canada needs less grass and more snow.

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  17. V  9
    freeholder1  about 15 years ago

    Naw, Pete, thatā€™s the Nascar Fusion that works on. The endorsements go on the uniform in skiing.

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  18. V  9
    freeholder1  about 15 years ago

    And yeah, I am cynical, Paul. Steven Colbert called and says I ave to mail more snow.

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  19. Missing large
    saskatchewankid  about 15 years ago

    great idea from a cynical point of view.

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