My mother’s dog was having “issues” yesterday morning (we got hit with some snow overnight). He decided to pee on the deck, and he pooped in front of the cats’ litter boxes inside the house because he didn’t want to go into the snow. When she told me that, I burst out laughing… lol
kreole almost 15 years ago
Use the top—it’s all the same, plus you can write in the snow.
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
Kreole, I don’t think the dog on the bottom would agree with you?!
carmy almost 15 years ago
You should have just waited for your turn, Poncho.
kreole almost 15 years ago
Poncho didn’t know a dog was down there. In fact, the other dog could have used the top too.
*Space Madness at The Station* almost 15 years ago
Why was I Housebroken?
DolphinGirl78 almost 15 years ago
victor1234: do you really want an answer? :)
My mother’s dog was having “issues” yesterday morning (we got hit with some snow overnight). He decided to pee on the deck, and he pooped in front of the cats’ litter boxes inside the house because he didn’t want to go into the snow. When she told me that, I burst out laughing… lol
harm1994 almost 15 years ago
Hard to pee…. when friend is watching….
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Don’t be so picky Poncho, a hydrant is not the only toilet in the world.
JoanneA almost 15 years ago
Poor Poncho. he looks so cold out there in the wind and snow.
Plods with ...™ almost 15 years ago
Keep drinkin that tea, poncho
pierreandnicole almost 15 years ago
Poor little PPPP - someone hand him a bed pan and get him indoors to warm up.
thampacks almost 15 years ago
Isn’t there a second SPOUT on this fire hydrant
Do like my neighbor, go in the snow and cover it with more snow
The CREATION of YELLOW snow - taadaah!
verdai almost 15 years ago
nice deep snow
Templo S.U.D. almost 15 years ago
Maybe that was Odie, Snoopy or Marmaduke down there?