On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for February 17, 2010

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    Plods with ...™  about 15 years ago

    Depends on what you want enhanced

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    PhyllisFinchley  about 15 years ago

    Claire is right to steer clear of “enhancement” ads I think. She’s beautiful as is. Those ads and knifewielders who profit from human insecurity and misunderstanding are awful. Claire (and anyone, really) should know that people are loved for who they are, not their “attributes”, And if “society” has a problem with that, tough. That’s their problem, not yours. Never never, never listen to the yahoos, Claire! (It would break Paul’s heart for you even to consider such a thing.)

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    arsmall  about 15 years ago

    I think the ‘enhancement’ ads are toward the men…

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    PhyllisFinchley  about 15 years ago

    Same concept, though, as the “lose weight” snake oil ads directed at women.

    One worries that, at best, these things would lead to a “Gift of the Magi” scenario, with, (as a hypothetical example), Claire trying to regain her skinniest-ever weight when Paul actually likes her a little on the cuddly side.

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