Man: Did I just hear a bell ring? Woman: Dad! Not again! Pavlov's daughter, never married.
Such a cruel father….
Sick, but I’m still LMBO!!
Carmy, don’t you feel even slightly guilty???
JFri, should I?
Whatever works.
Pavolov, was he not the dude that when he heard a bell ring, he had this incredible urge to feed dogs?
I bet she was the spittin’ image of her father!
Richard That;s a great comment bubu,too
poor thing
She was always hoping for a different kind of ring…
Just when she was getting ready to lay a big wet one on him too!
too funny! :-D
If she salivates that much for a small bell, what would happen if she heard Big Ben?..
@ DF
She’d spew like a geyser, on time, just like old faithful, every 30 seconds. She’s be quite an attraction.
what if instead of salivating…( never mind )
ben_david about 15 years ago
margueritem about 15 years ago
Such a cruel father….
carmy about 15 years ago
Sick, but I’m still LMBO!!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Carmy, don’t you feel even slightly guilty???
carmy about 15 years ago
JFri, should I?
grapfhics about 15 years ago
Whatever works.
wicky about 15 years ago
Pavolov, was he not the dude that when he heard a bell ring, he had this incredible urge to feed dogs?
bubujin_2 Premium Member about 15 years ago
I bet she was the spittin’ image of her father!
eardroppings about 15 years ago
Richard That;s a great comment bubu,too
skiokanagan about 15 years ago
poor thing
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
She was always hoping for a different kind of ring…
jpozenel about 15 years ago
Just when she was getting ready to lay a big wet one on him too!
coffeeturtle about 15 years ago
too funny! :-D
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
If she salivates that much for a small bell, what would happen if she heard Big Ben?..
eardroppings about 15 years ago
@ DF
She’d spew like a geyser, on time, just like old faithful, every 30 seconds. She’s be quite an attraction.
eqo about 15 years ago
what if instead of salivating…( never mind )