Thanks for the help, Rover. Wish me luck. Ok, ok. You can stay up a little later tonight.
Sad eyes 101. Doggie style!
Thank to Rover, Red can now do a puppie dog eyes that actually works on Mom. Rover, I wish you were around to train me in my youth.
He had me at yes in the 3rd panel!
“You look tired, Red. Go to bed now.”
November 20, 2013
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Sad eyes 101. Doggie style!
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Thank to Rover, Red can now do a puppie dog eyes that actually works on Mom. Rover, I wish you were around to train me in my youth.
A. Buckeye about 15 years ago
He had me at yes in the 3rd panel!
Keith Messamer about 15 years ago
“You look tired, Red. Go to bed now.”
kfaatz925 about 15 years ago