Never went to kindergarden; but was put into day care sometimes. I remember being amazed when the day carers told all the kids to lay down for a nap – and they all did! I told them I don’t take naps. They didn’t believe me. After a week of that, they kicked me out. My mother had to quit her job. I couldn’t believe, even then, that adults couldn’t figure out something – let me play with puzzles or blocks off in a corner for awhile. The acted like this had never happened before – a kid who doesn’t nap.
I, who taught electrical engineering courses in a couple of colleges, once fell asleep whilst administering a final exam. The students laughed and woke me up.
GROG Premium Member over 7 years ago
I wouldn’t bet on that.
LightWarriorK over 7 years ago
Napping is definitely done in High School. But it’s in study halls, or IN classes, so it’s typically frowned upon.
Now….in College, you make your own schedule. So having a few hours off in the middle of the day can certainly mean substantial and blissful napping.
drycurt over 7 years ago
Never went to kindergarden; but was put into day care sometimes. I remember being amazed when the day carers told all the kids to lay down for a nap – and they all did! I told them I don’t take naps. They didn’t believe me. After a week of that, they kicked me out. My mother had to quit her job. I couldn’t believe, even then, that adults couldn’t figure out something – let me play with puzzles or blocks off in a corner for awhile. The acted like this had never happened before – a kid who doesn’t nap.
drycurt over 7 years ago
They acted like…
kab buch over 7 years ago
Sorry kids welcome to reality.
tcayer over 7 years ago
No ORGANIZED napping!
locake over 7 years ago
Kindergarten naps are for the teachers, so they can have a few minutes of quiet time.
InquireWithin over 7 years ago
Meanwhile, over on creators, I gave it a like.
kinsler33 over 7 years ago
I, who taught electrical engineering courses in a couple of colleges, once fell asleep whilst administering a final exam. The students laughed and woke me up.