I’m reading this late because yesterday, a squirrel chewed through the cut shield and our fiber. My son’s dog Leena, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, killed the last intruder squirrel after it fell off the house. CHOMP! Now we’re going to let her in the front yard too.
momofalex7 over 4 years ago
James could probably use a face washing. Everyone knows dog slobber is good for your skin.
kab2rb over 4 years ago
Willie loves humans giving James love. Yes I know a dirty face.
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Took James down didn’t he..
Pete.Keillor over 4 years ago
I’m reading this late because yesterday, a squirrel chewed through the cut shield and our fiber. My son’s dog Leena, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, killed the last intruder squirrel after it fell off the house. CHOMP! Now we’re going to let her in the front yard too.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 4 years ago
Your are in danger of being licked into submission.