I was the same way with my Mom. Dad spanked us often, Mom did so only when absolutely necessary. This reminds me of the last time I can remember Mom spanking me - I just couldn’t (or wouldn’t) put the book down and do my chores.
tregg it only takes 2 minutes to load the washer and start it then get back to the homework, in half an hour move it to the dryer and then finish your homework
Smiley Rmom almost 15 years ago
I was the same way with my Mom. Dad spanked us often, Mom did so only when absolutely necessary. This reminds me of the last time I can remember Mom spanking me - I just couldn’t (or wouldn’t) put the book down and do my chores.
bald almost 15 years ago
tregg it only takes 2 minutes to load the washer and start it then get back to the homework, in half an hour move it to the dryer and then finish your homework
1148559 almost 15 years ago
It’s folding the clean clothes that takes time.