Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 12, 2014
Hurricanes were first given names by Australian meteorologist Clement Wragge (1852-1922) who named violent storms after politicians he disliked! Male and female Splash Tetra fish leapt out of the water in unison to mate, laying their eggs on leaves- then the male splashes water on them four days to keep them moist. Jaywalking in Singapore can carry a six-month jail term.
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
Singapore must be one amazing country to live and to tour in. You can’t even board public transportation or enter certain establishments after purchasing from the fruit market a durian.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
Anybody else remember when that American kid got caned in Singapore? I lost count of how many people I heard saying, “They should do that over here.”
Aussie Down Under over 10 years ago
As is graffiti. Singapore is known as the “fine” city.
loner34 over 10 years ago
Jay walking? ALL cross walks should be in the middle of the block. The cars can only get you from two directions there. On the corners they come at you from all four directions
dr_dolittle_rwc over 10 years ago
Copella Arnoldi
Explain that with evolution!
Linda1259 over 10 years ago
I think he watches the reruns on television. All of the above information appeared on the channels of Discovery Communications and others.
Stephen Gilberg over 10 years ago
So the first named hurricanes weren’t named after women.
louieglutz over 10 years ago
not a lot of crime in singapore.
benbrilling over 10 years ago
Wait a minute. They are called typhoons in the Pacific, where Australia is located.
spaced man spliff over 10 years ago
New Yorkers better stay outta Singapore !!
finnygirl Premium Member over 10 years ago
Bet there aren’t abundant amounts of tetra splash fish in the world!
MetalOverCountry over 10 years ago
You can go to jail for jaywalking in Nevada too.