I’m with the Plugger! I love to have my canine entourage with me on walks, for company and safety. I’d take my cats, too, but they don’t appreciate long walks the way the dogs do. Maybe the cats are smarter than we are?
And Josh, it does help with the “gut.” For humans AND dogs!
Back when our dog was still living, he would come with us on our walks. The cat would follow the dog - she liked him better than either one of us after I got her spayed.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 15 years ago
Which is good. Going for daily hikes is great exercise. That way, you’ll lose that big gut that he has!
Misha1995 almost 15 years ago
I’m with the Plugger! I love to have my canine entourage with me on walks, for company and safety. I’d take my cats, too, but they don’t appreciate long walks the way the dogs do. Maybe the cats are smarter than we are?
And Josh, it does help with the “gut.” For humans AND dogs!
Smiley Rmom almost 15 years ago
Back when our dog was still living, he would come with us on our walks. The cat would follow the dog - she liked him better than either one of us after I got her spayed.
Maddispa almost 15 years ago
Oh that life could be so good!
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
Taking the dogs makes the walk seem shorter.
Hi, Rmom
Gretchen's Mom almost 15 years ago
Could life be any better than this?!?!?!?
parethed almost 15 years ago
My walks get about as far as the back porch…sad to say…
ottod Premium Member almost 15 years ago
That third dog… The one one on the other side of the hill… Out of sight… That’s mine.
Cougar90 almost 15 years ago
The entourage also includes the grandkids going along with their “Pap Paw”.
ImaPlugger2 almost 15 years ago
Like that Plugger, we don’t go anywhere without our two little “groupies.”
trekkermint almost 15 years ago
this is the goofy vs pluto question for me - why are thses pups naked?