Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 13, 1996
Teddy: Wow! the top of the Empire State building! Girl: Which way is Brooklyn? Thats where my aunt grew up! Teddy: Man! It is mobbed up here! Nate: Yeah, you said it! Tourist CENTRAL! Nate: think about it! Someone could make a TON of money at this place! Teddy: Someone already has. Nate: Over here, I picture a water balloon Kiosk.....
BoomTollStinkBomb about 9 years ago
About a hundred bucks.. Gone for some Empire State Building swag
CanadaBall about 7 years ago
This was before 2001 so why don’t they go to the twin towers
Big Nate Lover101 over 4 years ago
mph… (breaks out in laughter at mr. rosa)
evandyck4 almost 4 years ago
I just want to say that in the first panel, teddy says "there is the top of the empire state building but he is looking slightly down. get it right Lincon peirce. it is 443 meters tall LOL
Big boi almost 3 years ago
Wait, wouldn’t a water ballon kill someone from that height.
SONGYAN666 over 2 years ago
To go to brooklyn, take the N,Q,D to Coney Island Stillwell Avenue, or take the R to Bay Ridge 95th Street, or take the B to Brighton Beach