FoxTrot by Bill Amend for February 20, 1990
Salesman: Now, are you interested in a color or a black-and-white display? Andy: I probably just want black-and-white. Jason: Whoa. Salesman: I must point out that color does have its advantages. Jason: Look at this, mom- the Klingon ship is metallic green! I mean, metallic green! Whoa!- when you turn on the deflector shields, the ship kinda has this purple shimmer to it! Look at this- you can see little orange flames coming out of the enterprise! I swear, I could play this all day! zap! zap! zap! click click click Salesman: ...And disadvantages. Andy: I definitely just want black-and-white. Jason: Wow! Didja see that sucker explode?!
cwesling about 7 years ago
Ah, the days of yore when color monitors were optional…
Lord Fluffernutter, Czar of the Universe over 4 years ago
Who would want a black and white monitor?
Empress of Dragons over 4 years ago
Black and white period