FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 13, 1990
Dr. Watson: Mr. Fox, not only do you need exercise, I suspect you need a major change in diet. Roger: Oh? Dr. Watson: Your cholesterol level, blood pressure and body fat percentage are all practically off the scale. What exactly do you eat? Roger: Well, let's see... For breakfast I'll usually have a coupla things of coffee while I read the paper... Dr. Watson: Two cups of coffee is OK. What else? Roger: Pots, not cups. Dr. Watson: Lynn, could you tell Mrs. O'Grady she may want to reschedule? Roger: Then I'll crack open a pack of bacon...
Cavenee Lonnie Premium Member almost 8 years ago
At least it isn’t cold pizza and beer for breakfast.
SexyFish13 over 4 years ago
At least it isn’t cold BIG MACS and beer for breakfast. Shiverrrr
Mr. Frodo over 4 years ago
Roger Fox in his underwear!? ew!
Official Foxtrot Page over 2 years ago
Mrs. O’Grady? I have never heard another one other than O’Malley.
a_biological_girl 12 months ago
My grandfather had a problem with his weight too, type 2 diabetes. He ate SO MUCH sugar when he grew up it was unbelievable. He had a diet of broth and meat, fasted a lot, exercised more, and it worked like A CHARM. Now he can eat sweet things sometimes