Obi-wan Kenobi’s line in the Millenium Falcon as the Death Star blows up Alderaan in the first movie (by our time) Star Wars, later renamed ” A New Hope” or Chapter 4. “It’s as if a million voices had cried out in terror, and were suddenly silent.” or something like that.
autumnfire1957 almost 15 years ago
Basqueian almost 15 years ago
Obi-wan Kenobi’s line in the Millenium Falcon as the Death Star blows up Alderaan in the first movie (by our time) Star Wars, later renamed ” A New Hope” or Chapter 4. “It’s as if a million voices had cried out in terror, and were suddenly silent.” or something like that.
dadallen85 almost 15 years ago
was never “renamed” have to say “re-refered to as”