A couple years ago, there was a picture floating around the net of a snow sculpture on a college campus park bench. It was of a couple. I can’t say more without getting censored, but I think the sculptors name was Barney Jones. It was extremely well done, as such things go, and quite realistic.
margueritem almost 15 years ago
Will you be posing for that, Burl?
MontanaLady almost 15 years ago
This is the only strip that comes up with the great phrase over and over………………
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I much prefer your reaction, MontanaLady
grapfhics almost 15 years ago
Did anyone see this snow art?
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
Something tells me you still won’t win, Burl!
Ebeth43 almost 15 years ago
They look more like the “granny panty” crowd to me!
andymeijers almost 15 years ago
A couple years ago, there was a picture floating around the net of a snow sculpture on a college campus park bench. It was of a couple. I can’t say more without getting censored, but I think the sculptors name was Barney Jones. It was extremely well done, as such things go, and quite realistic.