Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho for March 07, 2010

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    Llewellenbruce  about 15 years ago

    From bad to worse.

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  2. Possum
    Possum Pete  about 15 years ago

    That should help slow down the lung cancer and emphysema.

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    JerryGorton  about 15 years ago

    I switched from whiskey to vodka and I am not an alcholic anymore!

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    zev.farkas  about 15 years ago

    Anyone out there know the stats about how much better or worse off Dean will be by making the switch? My guesses below, but if anyone out there has hard data, I’d like to know…

    Pipe and cigar smokers (so I am told) tend not to inhale, so he might be avoiding some of the more direct insults to his lungs.

    (Warning: the Surgeon General has determined that long-winded opinionated speculation follows)

    I don’t know if a pipe can satisfy his nicotine addiction as effectively as “coughin’ nails”, so he may end up puffing a lot more to make up for it.

    The risks of various forms of mouth cancer, etc. probably remain about the same, as do the risks of accidental fire. If he drives, or operates dangerous machinery, the danger from one or both hooves and his mind being pre-occupied with his drug-delivery system are also six of one, half a dozen of the other…

    As for those who have to passively endure his habit, it stinks about as bad either way - and is also about as harmful.

    My guess is that it’s a net gain, but quitting altogether would be much better.

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    bmonk  about 15 years ago

    @zev.farkas, I think I’d distinguish second-hand pipe and cigar smoke as to the stink: many pipe tobaccos are relatively pleasant–at least in moderation–while cigars tend to be much heavier and objectionable, at least to me. Not that both are likely equally bad for the health…

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