The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for September 18, 2014

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    laurelgardens  over 10 years ago

    Is that baby timmy on the Tv?

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    loveslife  over 10 years ago

    Let me see… a dollar candle 4 people = .25 cents each. Gee I sure hope they can afford it. Burl should know all about the smells and candles. I bet they burn 20 a day just so they can breath.I don’t like candles anyway, so they can have them all. Why didn’t they have double duty diapers when my kids were babies? I used cloth ones, Pampers weren’t popular then and I couldn’t afford them anyway.

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    imnormal  over 10 years ago

    I think maybe some contractor size 50 gallon trash bags would be nice.

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    mikie2  over 10 years ago

    Let’s see, she has a day care for kids and Burl wants to give her candles? How about some gas cans? And bags of rat poison? Maybe some lead based paint. Good thinking.

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    MeGoNow Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Official Clyde Beatty whip and chair.

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    vldazzle  over 10 years ago

    I used cloth diapers, too, but my kids were born 1960, 61, 62 and 64. I don’t think they MADE anything else then. I DID once get a bad rash on my hands.

    As to scented candles, I bought some once at a friend’s “candle party” years ago and they are still in the box. I also HATE scented detergents, room sprays etc. The closest I’d use is some cologne sprayed around the bathroom when it stinks. I freshen the kitchen by boiling a little spices in a pan (or by baking) and that’s just to rid some smelly cooking like cabbage family, because I take the garbage out immediately.

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    No kids, but my mom used cloth diapers on me. Afterwards, they did a very long stint as window washing cloths.

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