Christie is to the left of GHW Bush and Gerald Ford and John McCain. You have to go back to Harold Stassen or Nelson Rockefeller to find a prominent republican more left than Christie.
“Left” is hardly the word. The overwhelming majority of Washington Democrats are not on the political left, and our President certainly isn’t. So the idea that a “moderate” Republican can be described as being within five hundred miles of the word “left” is hallucinatory, at best.
Only in America, with our heavily skewed spectrum, are such statements possible.
danielmkimmel over 10 years ago
Christie’s not rightwing enough for him? Who’s going to go for? Ted Cruz?
willkepley over 10 years ago
My guess is he will come to the conclusion that there are no GOP Alpha Dogs, unfortunately.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 10 years ago
We don’t want him.
catzilla23 over 10 years ago
He is what passes for a Conservative in NJ, he’s a right wing radical there. “All Politics is local” – Tip O’Neill
Guilty Bystander over 10 years ago
He’s a less fun version of Rob Ford.
echoraven over 10 years ago
“I’ll never be able to unsee that” HA!
jbmlaw01 over 10 years ago
Christie is to the left of GHW Bush and Gerald Ford and John McCain. You have to go back to Harold Stassen or Nelson Rockefeller to find a prominent republican more left than Christie.
JLG Premium Member over 10 years ago
“Left” is hardly the word. The overwhelming majority of Washington Democrats are not on the political left, and our President certainly isn’t. So the idea that a “moderate” Republican can be described as being within five hundred miles of the word “left” is hallucinatory, at best.
Only in America, with our heavily skewed spectrum, are such statements possible.