Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for September 25, 2014
September 24, 2014
September 26, 2014
Poncho: Okay, I've got a pile of hair to make into a wig for my master.
Poncho: Now it's just a matter of choosing the hairstyle that's the most attractive.
Hudson: Attractive to human women, right?
Poncho: Oh, right, right...
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
Looks like a wig for Pebbles Flintstone on chemotherapy if you ask me.
juicebruce over 10 years ago
Food is always on a dog’s mind !
StelBel over 10 years ago
Oh….. Sweet Biscuits!!!!
Starman1948 over 10 years ago
Good morning PC fans. Another Poncho disaster continues!God Bless the USA!
Hugh Manatee over 10 years ago
Wonder what kinda glue ol’ Poncho is going to use on Chad?
LingeeWhiz over 10 years ago
Oh, I was looking forward to Chazz looking like an aboriginal tribal member.
Jim Kerner over 10 years ago
Hoo boy . This is going to be fun.
jonnijones over 10 years ago
Mikey on “Scurvyville” looks like Ponch when he had to have his soccer ball surgically removed from his mouth.
tcar-1 over 10 years ago
Panel three made me think of the old Looney Tune cartoon. I think the name was “Inky and the Mynah Bird”. .Now if I’ve got that music in my head too!
ont over 10 years ago
Chazz-the-bonehead does have a certain ring to it…