I'm in the witness protection program
Very funny, Dave.
They must be in India…
That might mislead the sight hounds but not the scent hounds; they will hunt you done and piss on your parade.
A cat butt might work better than a cat face. Just sayin’… ;)
I wonder what would happen when another dog wanted to sniff his rear end?
July 17, 2015
Crabbyrino Premium Member over 10 years ago
Very funny, Dave.
jtviper7 over 10 years ago
They must be in India…
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
That might mislead the sight hounds but not the scent hounds; they will hunt you done and piss on your parade.
snoopynut Premium Member over 10 years ago
A cat butt might work better than a cat face. Just sayin’… ;)
Budman 2 over 10 years ago
Jim Kerner over 10 years ago
I wonder what would happen when another dog wanted to sniff his rear end?