Oh, I can guarantee you’ll find plenty of horrors cleaning out the garage, Leopold!
If this is a test of wills, I think I know who will win….
Just think, Leopold, you could have a garage sale, and make lots of money from your unsuspecting victims neighbors.
“There was horror, there was pain”…..Did you sell stuff, did you gain?
October 24, 2014
Kim Metzger Premium Member over 10 years ago
Oh, I can guarantee you’ll find plenty of horrors cleaning out the garage, Leopold!
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
If this is a test of wills, I think I know who will win….
Arianne over 10 years ago
Just think, Leopold, you could have a garage sale, and make lots of money from your unsuspecting victims neighbors.
pcolli over 10 years ago
“There was horror, there was pain”…..Did you sell stuff, did you gain?