Different game, different rules.
My brother and I used to play “Kill the Guy with the Ball.” Rules were fluid, like Calvinball.
Sounds like Rugby, to me.
Australian rules indoor quiddich.
Rugby sounds about right! But seriously, what’s the difference when the Ref’s not looking??
Solid no rules football/soccer/rugby/what ever… take video/photo footage.
Bill Hinds
August 01, 2014
POPPA1956 almost 15 years ago
Different game, different rules.
My brother and I used to play “Kill the Guy with the Ball.” Rules were fluid, like Calvinball.
Yukoneric almost 15 years ago
Sounds like Rugby, to me.
donwater almost 15 years ago
Australian rules indoor quiddich.
dmstorrs2 almost 15 years ago
Rugby sounds about right! But seriously, what’s the difference when the Ref’s not looking??
markkahler52 over 2 years ago
Solid no rules football/soccer/rugby/what ever… take video/photo footage.