Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for September 08, 2014

  1. Flamenco dancer
    mai griffin  over 10 years ago

    Please email the editor, Gaile Griffin Peers, who is my daughter (address in Magazine. I will tell her of your generous offer and she will look forward to being in contact with you directly.

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  2. Flamenco dancer
    mai griffin  over 10 years ago

    Gaile’s email address is editor@grapevine.internationalShe says it is an amazing offer and is looking forward to hearing from you.

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  3. Seagulls
    themom51  over 10 years ago

    A response like that would have earned me a smack-down by my dad…my mom would have pouted and said she was going to tell my dad.

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  4. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 10 years ago

    Sorry Junior. Not immediate if it were me. If he had been first on the scene/passed that paper before I got to it… I would have left it. Would not have said anything more… just left it.

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