Old harpy yes, insensitive definitely, but at least she knows a keeper when she sees one
This ought to be good!
Old Harpy? Isn’t that booze? Oh wait, that’s Old HARPER!! I must have created a faux pax.
Your mom did you a solid. Enjoy it, then blame her if it turns sour.
ejcapulet about 15 years ago
Old harpy yes, insensitive definitely, but at least she knows a keeper when she sees one
coffeeturtle about 15 years ago
This ought to be good!
BigGreenBooger about 15 years ago
Old Harpy? Isn’t that booze? Oh wait, that’s Old HARPER!! I must have created a faux pax.
mrprongs about 15 years ago
Your mom did you a solid. Enjoy it, then blame her if it turns sour.