Monty by Jim Meddick for September 19, 2014
We got the part to fix your CPU. Now if only this checkout line move faster. I... I feel slap coming on... What?! No way! You can't slap that direction! Turn around! Oh, no! You can't slap that way, either! Turned back! Nice block. Hey... Wear my glasses?
oldpine52 over 10 years ago
Monty is so dead.
slhansen07 over 10 years ago
Good luck explaining that one.
bubjerryk over 10 years ago
The part to fix the CPU? What “Part” do you change on a single sealed chip?
billyruffian over 10 years ago
Pro-bably shouldn’t be taking EB out in public with a sketchy CPU…
1ak over 10 years ago
So why does a robot sweat?
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
slaps up and down are approved.
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Blindly reaching out to find your glasses could turn out even worse than E.B. slapping, Monty.You’ve got to admire the lady’s concentration. She seems to sense (see, hear, feel) nothing of what is going on, not even Monty’s awkwardly-lodged glasses….
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Ok Monte, let’s think this through. If you are very gentle and discreet, you might just be able to pull it off..I mean, pull your glasses out…
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
On the back of the lady’s pants!
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
This is not the Slap Happy I was thinking of…. poor Monty. People are going to be so slap happy on him.