La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 11, 2014

  1. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    I fail to see what this has to do with Hobby Lobby

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    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    Apparently Lalo dislikes the withholding of asylum to refugees and unarmed black youth being regularly shot by police. Are you saying you do like these things? Then again, I’ve never heard you express a like for anything, so it seems like you and your image of Alcaraz would get along swimmingly.

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    TheEtruscan  over 10 years ago

    In America, the Bible makes the best-selling list year after year and Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, Christian Science, Baptists are a religion. Sigh!

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    dzw3030  over 10 years ago

    Lalo does this to make money. Lalo & Al Sharpton have a unique niche. They insult themselves without any attempt at self depreciating humor.

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    dslacker2001  over 10 years ago

    So, some haters read this comic strip every day so they can make negative comments. I have a suggestion: if you dislike the strip so much, skip it. Many of us enjoy it, for satire, for humor, and for its political commentary.

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    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    It seems Lalo is lumping his issues together today.What does he expect us to do about them,especially since they are somewhat out-of-date?

    It’s rather disturbing that you’d say that any of the three issues in this strip are “somewhat out-of-date.” Just because there hasn’t been breathless 24-hour coverage on one cable “news” channel or another doesn’t mean that they are not still highly relevant, ongoing situations.

    Let’s take the three issues in turn:

    1) The issue of refugee children from Central America is an ongoing one, whether it’s on the front pages or not. Kids are getting deported and killed when they are sent back. You know, just as a small, inconsequential for-instance.

    2) Young black men are continuing to be shot and killed by police. And despite zippy’s racist and unsubstantiated—no, let’s call them what they are, completely made-up—claims about “black youth ‘regularly’” assaulting police, incident after incident makes it clear that black men are targeted because of the color of their skin. Not to mention that the residents of Ferguson are still up in arms about Mike Brown, for instance packing their city council chambers to vent their frustration and demand change, and nonviolently trying to block a major thoroughfare in protest just yesterday.

    3) Hobby Lobby is a bad decision that will continue to pay nasty dividends unless and until it is reversed in Congress and/or the Supreme Court. That is, it’s a live issue that has impacts in terms of religion, the intrusion of corporations into folks’ personal lives, etc..

    So here’s a suggestion (a suggestion): Maybe try diversifying your news sources, and don’t fall for the goldfish-memory, onto-the-next-crisis that passes for news in too many outlets. Life is not a soundbite, nor are the things that happen in it simple entertainments to be discarded when the next shiny event pops up.

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  7. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    why cannot I write a negative comment (that only a relative few read)?

    Doesn’t sound like dslacker is saying you can’t do it. In fact, I think the word dslacker used was “suggestion.”

    And doesn’t your comment about haters also include you as a hater since you’ve written a negative comment?

    Considering the gentle language dslacker has used, I’d hardly classify dslacker as a “hater.” On the other hand, you with your day-after-day-after-day grinding on about how much you dislike Lalo while using weaselly questions to avoid saying what you actually think about the issues the strip brings up, well, I think it’s been pretty well established that your purpose here is to hate on La Cucaracha. Which gocomics has given you tacit permission to do, so go for it. But at least own what you do.

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    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    what does expect his readers to do about those problems

    Do you ask of your news shows or newspaper articles that they tell you what to do about problems? Even considering that these syndicated comics have two-week lead times, do you feel so callously about what is being brought up that you can’t stand to see them mentioned again?

    other than his lap dogs

    It’s telling that you use a term famously ascribed to the unesteemed Senator McCarthy (R-Wis).

    contribute to meaningless blather just to see their own words in print

    Mr. Pot, meet Ms. Kettle. Ms. Kettle, this is Mr. Pot.

    does an example exist of Lalo’s comic actually HELPING any issue

    I would say raising and maintaining awareness about issues can definitely be a help. Or do you want statistics? “33% fewer refugees were deported this week, in a phenomenon directly attributable to the introduction of the issue in a nationally syndicated comic strip.” Maybe testimonials? “My name is Antonin Scalia, and my heart grew three sizes after reading La Cucaracha!” Maybe, rather than asking everyone else here to do your research for you, you could do your own once in a while.

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  9. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    Lalo writes his strip every day so many can revel in his negativity.If he can do that, I SUGGEST that I am able to write a negative comment.

    My poor, dear indie. It seems to me that you have a very grand notion of what it is you are doing here. You are as Don Quixote, tilting at windmills. Your cause is righteous. Your pen is sharp. Your indignation is red-hot. And yet, nobody has told you not to write your comments. You, on the other hand, have explicitly sought to silence a comic artist as well as a commenter to this forum. You pepper your posts with leading questions that I can only assume you think leave you with plausible deniability—fan of Ronald Reagan and Oliver North, maybe? You criticize, and then become incensed when others criticize you. And you continue to refuse to own what you do here. Because yours is a just cause, and whatever is done in the name of a just cause cannot be wrong, and must not be questioned.

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    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    You are an Agrestic Jr.And a hypocrite.

    To what marvelous heights you take your rhetoric, indie! It is truly an inspiration to know that the humble English language can be put to such superlative use. Such bathos!

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    sookiestackhouse  over 10 years ago

    i wish Lalo would get back to humor instead of politics. This strip is about to go off my favorites.

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    LOWRIDER84  over 10 years ago

    I have a religious objection to swarms of illiterate, disease ridden parasites flooding the country spreading sickness and poverty.I also have a religious objection to doped up criminals attacking the police and having their “community” running wild in revenge when the police correctly exterminate them.

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