Drabble by Kevin Fagan for October 04, 2014

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    therese_callahan2002  over 10 years ago

    If I had kids of my own, I’d have them reading books instead of playing video games.

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  2. Salt
    Old Salt  over 10 years ago

    @TammiFunniesGood luck…

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  3. Knighboy
    RickMK  over 10 years ago

    Sometimes when kids spend an excessive amount of time playing video games, it’s because there’s something going on in their lives that’s too terrible for them to deal with. It’s a kind of escape.In those cases, maybe banning or restricting video games isn’t a good idea. It would be better to find out what’s going on in their lives that they can’t bear.

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    Observer fo Irony  over 10 years ago

    Some times the kids have a better grasp of their reality than the parents and find video games challenging.

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    doris sloan  over 10 years ago

    He’ll be great as a drone driver!

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  6. Snoopy
    The Fly Hunter  over 10 years ago

    He multitasks quite well!

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    iluvpurple  over 7 years ago

    You’re the parent take away the games. Definitely do not let them play video games at church!

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  8. Dog
    robert423elliott  over 1 year ago

    And why is she telling Ralph? We all know who runs that household. Nothing irritated my dear departed mother more than a mother that would tell a kid, “Just wait until your father gets home!” She felt that they were either too lazy to discipline their kids or were afraid of them…….and she was neither! She was a loving, kind mother, but no pushover!

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    Jaythor  about 1 year ago

    Sadly, this is even more prevalent 9 years later. Didn’t happen with mine, we limited that, at least until they were older, and make their own decisions, and live with the consequences.

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