La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 15, 2014

  1. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    OK…so I take this as a slam on the way young women had to “put out” during the 30s-50s in order to get screen time in Hollywood. Which is OK, of course! (the slam). So, then, the proper thought here seems to be that that would never happen if Latinos run things in Hollywood. However, men are men no matter what their heritage is. We women still have a long way to go.

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  2. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    For all of you keeping score, I now concede victory to Agrestic.

    You sure have an inflated sense of how much either of us matters to folks reading these comments.

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  3. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    Lalo is reveling in the have-nots, despite advances.

    Um, first off, it seems that Alcaraz is starting off with an acknowledgment that there is some progress being made.

    Ignoring, of course, other ethnicities that also don’t have major presence in media

    You do realize this is a comic strip largely about Latinos, dontcha? But since you’re so concerned about those other ethnicities, please feel free to list them here and advocate for them. Unless, of course, the point was simply to trash someone who is calling for change that you would rather not see happen?

    It’s also telling the wording he uses – “When Latinos take over Hollywood…”As Agrestic would ask, exactly what would they do then?

    It’s right there in the comic strip: they’d get plastic-covered casting couches! Sheesh. But I suppose you’re implying that if power didn’t rest in the hands of white men, that maybe your way of life would be threatened? I’m being quite serious here. Change is frightening to a whole lot of folks, and this would, indeed, be change.

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    dzw3030  over 10 years ago

    indiethink, agrestic, “just trolling along, on Moonlight Bay…”You two should get your own blog. Lalo is in trouble. If you two quit, there’ll be no reason for anyone to view his comic.

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  5. The goon
    TheBoigDoke  over 10 years ago

    Plastic covers are not unknown in Irish homes either. It has something to do with the cost of re-upholstering balanced against a bounty of children.

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    kaffekup   over 10 years ago

    Reminds me of that old joke:.“I knew a woman who had four kids. She had five, but one touched the couch.”

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  7. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    _I’m on Lalo’s case, among other things, because he continually advocates for ONLY Latinos while ignoring or attacking the rest… _

    This, of course, completely ignores his strips that deal with issues facing, say, the African American community. Strips that you obviously know about since you’ve attacked the strip for “speaking for” the African American community. And when has he attacked whites as whites? Or anyone else for that matter? Is it just that when he attacks power structures or the GOP that you read “whites” into that? Maybe that says something about the current power structures, and the GOP.

    Aside from this, what’s so wrong with having a comic strip by and about Latinos and dealing with their concerns? Like, seriously, what’s it to you? Why not go off on Andy Capp?

    I do not believe that Latinos should have all the advantages either.

    Well, seeing as Latinos as a group are at a whole variety of _dis_advantages in this country, you should be quite happy. And while the US is supposed to be the land of opportunity, it is not.

    I agree that Latinos have been discriminated against, but doing the same (at least in philosophy) in reverse is just as bad.

    I think you’re mistaking humor for a statement of intent. Do you assume that the playing field is perfectly flat now, that there is no discrimination now? And if so, do you assume that whites are back at the starting line with everyone else? Or is it that you are afraid that if some other group starts doing well, yours will necessarily have to suffer? And if so, why go with that zero-sum outlook on the world?

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  8. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    “I doubt if anyone was “keeping score.””Agrestic does.

    I don’t do this to “win,” indie, though you seem to see it as a competition. But your constant negativity requires response, and so here I am.

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    dslacker2001  over 10 years ago

    Another day – another helping of radical right-wing whining and bitching from indiethink. I am not reading his posts any more, and I suggest he stop reading and hating this comic.

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  10. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    And in the interest of peace in the forum community, I am willing to leave for a year, and promise to not return posting under a different name, but only if Agrestic does the same.

    Once again, I will say it’s sad that indie prefers to squash speech, whether mine or his own, than continue a debate. In any case, even without the likes of you (or me) this forum community will not have “peace.” Not with dzw, mdavis, and their ilk running around.

    As far as negativity goes, well, I suppose that’s in the eye of the beholder. Folks can decide they won’t read me as well if they think I’m too negative. But just for kicks: Puppies! Rainbows! Three scoops of different chocolate ice creams in a waffle cone! Um…You’re a very sharp dresser!

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  11. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    always thought Hollywood was a business, according to Lilo it’s a social program, who know.

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