La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 18, 2014

  1. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    This is good, this is progress. You’ve at least added absurdism to your usual kvetching. It really does make a positive difference.

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  2. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    I am not sure I like the direction today’s and yesterday’s comic strips are going. No specific reason, just a gut feeling. I guess it is anything goes, sigh.

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    e.groves  over 10 years ago

    What time of day do you post your comments? My computer shows about seven hours ago, which makes it about midnight in Tulsa. Just curious.

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  4. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    And don’t forget children, all whities are racist bigots! God doesn’t this hatemonger ever take a break?

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  5. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    No fan of Rush, but he would be saying the same crap if Hilary had won the election. And he will be saying the same crap when she wins in 2016.

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    kaffekup   over 10 years ago

    ‘Just as one can have a degree and still be a Republican.’.Only as long as one didn’t actually learn anything while getting it. Just parrot back what one was taught, then forget it and revert to previously-held positions, no matter what.

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    echoraven  over 10 years ago

Maybe Lalo thinks Limbaugh is tasty, although that is just perverse
and perhaps he is not comfortable admitting it.

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  8. Knotts char 3
    Habogee  over 10 years ago

    Rush is a standup (sitdown?) comic gone sour.

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  9. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago


    This is one of your problems, indie. You can’t even see a compliment for what it is. I was actually being dead-to-rights sincere about that. It’s as if you were actually allowing yourself some imaginative space.

    Another problem is that you keep yelling, which makes you come off as, well, less than stable. And yes, I know that the comic strip (just like most comic strips) is in all caps. But everything in the comic strip is in all caps, and so there’s no contrast between that and lower-case writing. Whereas in the comments, because everyone else is writing in sentence case, all caps comes off as shouty. To see the effect in comic strip form, look for days when the crocodiles show up in Pearls before Swine. They speak in lower case, and so (at least to me) all the other characters come off a bit as if they’re yelling, whereas when the crocs aren’t there, they don’t.

    “And folks like him need to be exposed for the hypocritical, fear-mongering bigots they are.”SO YOU AGREE THAT I SHOULD DO THE SAME FOR LALO.

    Except that Lalo does not do that. Lalo doesn’t go off on white people as a class, for instance. He doesn’t repeatedly call women “sluts”. He doesn’t argue that “no” actually means “yes” when it comes to sexual assault. He doesn’t spew lies about European immigrants carrying ebola into the US. Really, you have no legs to stand on when it comes to this argument. But I’m sure you’ll continue to make it, regardless of the facts-based truth, just as Limbaugh and his ilk have been doing for far too long.

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  10. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago


    Well, you’ve certainly confirmed that with the bulk of your posts.


    Um, yeah, that was a summary of the first half of your post, and I wanted to make sure it was in your voice, so all caps it was. Here’s your argument: “I was hitting people and then that kid hit me back once so it’s okay if I hit everybody in the classroom! All the time!” Which is, again, the argument of a problem child.


    And criticizes individuals of other ethnicities too. Not the same as bigotry, dude. And as far as the “shouty Latinas” panel from a few days back (which I didn’t agree with), that’s a lot different than calling women all sorts of foul names for advocating for full access to birth control, or saying that “no” means “yes” when it comes to sexual assault. It’s like you’re equating a kick in the shins with premeditated murder. Not the same thing. Not. The. Same. Thing.


    Again, Alcaraz is nothing like Limbaugh. Which should be a massive relief to you, since you seem to have a massive crush on Rush. Put anything from La Cucaracha next to Limbaugh’s countless offenses. Let’s see if they’re equally as offensive. Go ahead, I dare you to show your evidence. There’s a reason why Limbaugh is being removed from stations all over the country. Same can’t be said for Alcaraz, your little one-person campaign notwithstanding.


    When climate change deniers tell lies or just get things wrong, they need to be countered, even though their arguments have no basis in scientific fact. When you spout your nonsense, it also needs to be countered, lest it poison the well. So here I be.


    No trying necessary. Just be your usual cheerful self!

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  11. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    You know, I started off today by complimenting you on what I thought was an exceptional post for you. And then, in the face of your invective, I reiterated it. But you’re so engulfed in your rage, and so fixated on proving just how put-upon you are, that you completely missed it. I have to warn you: I may pay you compliments in the future. I’m telling you this so you can keep your blood pressure medication nearby.

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  12. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    The rebels Obama wants to arm currently are not ISIS (or ISIL, or The Murderous Faction Formerly Known as ISIS). They are far from guaranteed to not turn into the next ISIS, however. The US has, over the past decades, armed one group after another. Often to fight the folks we had armed before. There is absolutely no guarantee this won’t turn into another one of those, and so we should be mighty careful about giving out weapons to anyone.

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  13. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    You have proved quite effectively today that you are in the grip of a great, furious madness. One that has left you incoherent and figuratively drooling on the page. I’m not keeping score here, but if I was, I’d have to say it’s pretty darn lopsided today, what with all the own-goals you’ve been making.

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  14. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    You and others argue so much that it’s hard to even try try to figure out who said what and to whom. No fun to read any posts. you ruin it for each other and for every one else too!

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  15. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    what with all the own-goals you’ve been making.SO THAT MEANS YOU COULDN’T KEEP UP?

    Maybe you’re unfamiliar with the obscure sport called “soccer” in the US, Australia, South Africa, and Canada, and “football” almost everywhere else. In that sport, scoring an own-goal means that you have scored against yourself. Through your actions, you have added points to your opponent’s score. As you continue to do. I dare say your scoreline is looking worse than Brazil v. Germany.

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  16. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    for months Agrestic has challenged – no, dared and double dared – me to answer her questions with minutiae-filled answers.I have addressed nearly every sentence she has presented.So it could be a case of be careful what you wish for.

    Oh, excellent! Since you’re answering all my questions, what comic strips do you actually enjoy?

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