Our Rx’s come by mail in a plastic bag. MUCH better than waiting in line at the pharmacy with a bunch of sniffling sick people. We don’t even get many bills. Everybody just zaps their payment right out of our bank account each month. Ain’t computers wonderful?
Misha1995 over 14 years ago
The Chicken Grandma is my favorite Plugger.
peter0423 over 14 years ago
I think it was Bette Davis who said, “Aging ain’t for sissies!” (My 96-year-old mom agrees.)
rw1h over 14 years ago
…….and more credit card application forms……
ImaPlugger2 over 14 years ago
Our Rx’s come by mail in a plastic bag. MUCH better than waiting in line at the pharmacy with a bunch of sniffling sick people. We don’t even get many bills. Everybody just zaps their payment right out of our bank account each month. Ain’t computers wonderful?
anserman38 over 14 years ago
Yup! It sure sucks gettin’ old!