Miss Bliss: Children, hang on tight during the hayride and please don't distract Mr. Fretwork by screaming. Mr Fretwork: Ready? Here we go- Mr Fretwork: WHOA! Beni: EE YI EE YI OH Miss Bliss: Who's next on the Hayride o' Thrills? Voice: NOT ME.
stamps over 10 years ago
He went around the Mobius loop
Constantinepaleologos over 10 years ago
Is Miss Bliss wearing a wig, or is that all her natural hair?
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Timmy Fretwork is not just a banjo man; he’s a closet Nascar racer! That very short course is enough to dazzle and dizzy the kids! But I do wish Miss Bliss weren’t standing so close: with that ultra-long hair, I have disturbing visions of an Isadora Duncan-like fate should a gust of wind tangle her train of hair and Timmy’s truck….
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
and worse yet…no hay…bummer!
magicwalnut over 10 years ago
…the centripetal force turned them clean around!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 10 years ago
Boy that was exciting! NOT!! LOL!
hamon over 10 years ago
There’s gonna be trouble at the next PTA meeting.
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
“Voom! Moov!”I think they met themselves coming back!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 10 years ago
Quit whining. It’s the “Hayride o’ Thrills,” after all.
Annemarie82 about 10 years ago
I never understood this strip. What is the point? I loooooove cul de sac, so not a criticism, i just never got the joke. I know that there is one.