Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for September 25, 2014

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 10 years ago

    Thought the Zig-meisterā€™s cat was a he. (The Garfield quote was probably ā€œfeed meā€ like as depicted in the first strip 19 June 1978.)

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    stewartava  over 10 years ago

    The cat and fish are ā€™sheā€™sā€™. The fish, parrot and dog are ā€™heā€™sā€™. There used to be a plant ā€˜with feelingsā€™ but it got killed off years ago.

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  3. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  over 10 years ago

    No Ziggy in this?

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    ziggyfrog  over 10 years ago

    @ Relevart I guess the catā€™s name, Sid, could be either he or she, but Ziggy doesnā€™t have 2 fishā€¦..did you mean duck? Ziggy might Wack you!

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