Wow…. I was impressed when he had a KittyCar that would encircle the driveway.
This one has to be 25 thousand miles long!
The rear seat and the driver’s seat almost touch…But the entire populations of several small countries could be hiding in the middle rows of seats…business travelers, refugees crossing borders,stray cats, dogs and chickens…and they would never know.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Wow…. I was impressed when he had a KittyCar that would encircle the driveway.
This one has to be 25 thousand miles long!
The rear seat and the driver’s seat almost touch…But the entire populations of several small countries could be hiding in the middle rows of seats…business travelers, refugees crossing borders,stray cats, dogs and chickens…and they would never know.
Toonerific over 10 years ago
Actually it’s only a snow globe.
charlie podrebarac creator over 10 years ago
Sounds like Noah’s Limo.