Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for October 06, 2014
Boy: I think you owe me another dollar for my allowance. I hung up my coat without being asked. Woman: Right you one dollar. But you also left your bike in the driveway, your wet towel on the floor and didn't clean up after the dog..that's minus three dollars. Boy: You're tough, mom. Woman: It comes with the job.
Devils Knight over 10 years ago
I got told that doing chores was how i was paying back room and board plus clothing and food but they would gladly give an allowance if I would like to start paying cash for those things
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 10 years ago
Take a time out together – go bird watching and then jump rope.
miscreant over 10 years ago
When I was growing up, not too long ago. At 10 years old our chores involved chopping wood for the wood stove and allowance wasn’t a word in our house. We chopped wood or it would be cold since we could only afford so much for the gas bill per month. My how times change in so short a period (30 years).
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Although my sister & I received a small allowance when we were young and living at home, and my wife & I gave out a small allowance to our daughters under the same circumstances; I never fully understood the concept..It does seem inconsistent to reward someone for doing nothing more than what is expected. Now, when someone goes beyond what is expected, that is quite different…