That's good, honey. Now remember -- safety first! If Tarzan had been raised by apes in the age of helicopter parenting
Then he’d be: “Tarzan- Lord of the Bungle”….
I like Bungle better, but.
They would have changed his name to George.
Mother Ape: What was that scream?Tarzan’s mother: Oh that is my son he must have hurt himself again.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Then he’d be: “Tarzan- Lord of the Bungle”….
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
I like Bungle better, but.
tzid over 10 years ago
They would have changed his name to George.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
Mother Ape: What was that scream?Tarzan’s mother: Oh that is my son he must have hurt himself again.