Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for October 06, 2014

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 10 years ago

    I would hate to imagine Ziggy having only one strand of hair back then.

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    davesoup1972  over 10 years ago

    Now I get it. Ziggy = Charlie Brown! I knew it.

    Charlie Brown had spent his childhood and his teens being humiliated by Lucy for trying to kick that stupid football and eventually turned into Ziggy.

    (narrative to follow)

    Lucy, as she entered her teens, had learned a little about psychology. Soon she hatched a plan to Really mess with young Charlie. She began to let him actually kick the ball from time to time, not often, but just enough to keep his hopes up. This eventually let to the “Lucy & the Football” incident a few years later.

    Poor little Charlie had snapped and kicked the poor girl in the head, injuring her quite badly. Charlie spent some time in a mental hospital and was released under supervision and a heavy duty prescription. After that things normalized for Charlie and he decided he needed a change, having just graduated High School.

    He left his quaint little town and moved far away. He later decided to further distance himself by changing his name, going so far as to pick a name starting with “z” the letter farthest away from his old name.

    Charlie/Ziggie can now be found in this little town where his only real friends are his pets. He realized that Snoopy was his best friend years ago and expanded his base of friends by getting other pets. He’s quite happier now, but still the hapless foil that we all knew.

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    2252895  over 10 years ago


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    neverenoughgold  over 10 years ago

    I had to open one of my HS year books just to check!.Nope! This was NOT one of the “most like likely’s”…

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    stewartava  over 10 years ago

    Charlie Brown and Ziggy existed at the same time. In the 70’s they rivaled each other as the most popular comic strip. Shultz was his own man as was Tom Wilson(the original). In fact, Shultz and Wilson were friends as fellow cartoonists. Too much in Ziggy has changed including that apparently, the parrot can now read aloud. Charlie Brown remains true to his roots.

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