Those that have never battled depression have no clue to the struggle.Its like trying to bail the water out of a sinking cargo ship…..with a thimble and you don’t care.They always say when you reach bottom there is only up. I found out there many times is just more bottom.I did claw my way out years ago……it took me, myself, and I.Smile author……you did good on this one.C’mon just a small smile…….
Vet Premium Member over 10 years ago
Those that have never battled depression have no clue to the struggle.Its like trying to bail the water out of a sinking cargo ship…..with a thimble and you don’t care.They always say when you reach bottom there is only up. I found out there many times is just more bottom.I did claw my way out years ago……it took me, myself, and I.Smile author……you did good on this one.C’mon just a small smile…….
Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member over 10 years ago
How amazingly you’ve hit the nail on the head! Fighting depression is like “fighting a dragon.”
jopfef over 10 years ago
WHOA!!! LOL!!! Having “been there, done that” — and still doing it at times — this is the best description I’ve ever seen! WELL DONE!!! :-D
Goblinopolis over 10 years ago
This is really quite accurate.