Prickly City by Scott Stantis for October 17, 2014

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Sounds like Conservative attitudes all the way; people are stoooopid and they should just let me rule.

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  2. Jefferson davis   1875
    Grampus  over 10 years ago

    These are the people who don’t want voter photo ID because it “… creates a substantial burden on fundamental rights to vote, has a discriminatory effect and purpose and constitutes a poll tax”. Uh, hello, this is well into the new millinia and most everyone who is old enough to vote and a resident in Texas has a Driver’s License with a picture and The Department of Public Safety will provide a Voter’s Identification Certificate if you don’t have a Driver’s License free of charge. Furthermore, if you’re handicapped and vote from home by mail, you don’t need a photoID, your 6-year old can vote for you.

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    McGuirk99  over 10 years ago

    I know the real reason is so Carmen can roll her eyes and we can laugh at libruls, but is there an in-strip explanation for why she’s been working for and helping two stupid, incompetent politicians? Over and over? One of them actually says he’s evil, right?

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    Luxurylife  over 10 years ago

    Its not about minimizing votes, its about making sure actual citizens vote, always has been and will. Its truely insane that in a country where you have to have id to buy a beer, gun, loan, HELL to even get through the gate where I work, that you don’t need one in certain states to vote which can change to the direction of the country. To argue about “ohh it stops votes” is ridiculous. Every state should provide citizens of that state once proved to be US citizens, a basic photo id. If anyone really is crying about how illegals are being prevented from voting then too bad they are not citizens pure and simple.All legal immigrants heck yeah come on and vote, this is America and as a citizen enjoy this event. As for the poor, that again is where the state should provide a basic photo id, but really how is it people now days can’t get a photo id? if they are homeless then they wouldn’t be able to vote anyway seeing they at least in my state have a list of people and their addresses to find if you are indeed in that voting precinct and then have to provide the photo id.

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