Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for October 04, 2014

  1. Missing large
    emptc12  over 10 years ago

    In the movie “Mr. Nobody,” the old folk tale that explains the groove on our upper lip (philtrum) is told: “When we’re not born yet, we know everything. Everything that will happen. When it’s your time, the angels of Oblivion place a finger on your mouth. It leaves a mark on the upper lip. It means that you have forgotten everything.”.My mother told me a similar thing, that God told each child to forget what Heaven looked like, and then put His finger on his or her lip. At the time, I thought God must have small fingers..And so I passed this on to my son when he was about three. I embellished it with my own details, that he had a best friend in Heaven and that as they went down to be born, they would live their lives and then eventually return to Heaven and tell each other all kinds of interesting stories about their lives on Earth. Facetiously, I asked the name of his best friend before he was born, and he said without hesitation, “Pegway.” I thought, Whoa. Of course, he has completely forgotten that time. But, see, that just proves everything..(-

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  2. The brain
    ArtyD2 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Thought it was XKCD for a second, but Zach can actually draw.

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  3. Ca avatar patch
    CougarAllen  over 10 years ago

    Um … the pi-tau conversion constant is 2.

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