Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for October 23, 2014
enjoy this vintage 2010 classic tom the dancing bug every thursday panels from the annals of the tom the dancing bug archive check back every friday for a fresh, brand new tom the dancing bug! tom the dancing bug by ruben bolling mar. 1959 issue join the god-man fan club! god-man the superhero with omnipotent powers! in "lapsed! thug: big louie wants to see you, moser! moser: i can explain! thug: you're through with explaining! moser: oh, no! don't do this! thank goodness! here comes god-man! god-man fan club dear norman moser your membership in the god-man fan club is to expire. we know you do not allow this to happen, so send fifty cents to the below address as soon as possible. by renewing your membership moser: h-he passed right by! but... why? why? why? the end
jnik23260 over 10 years ago
God – Man works in mysterious ways!
wcorvi over 10 years ago
OH NO! Maybe I should go to CHURCH on Sunday!?
Packratjohn Premium Member over 10 years ago
My Mom is in her 80s, and is a saint in my eyes. A “devout” Baptist, even she will admit that it’s a business, and has to be run as one. That’s fine, I suppose, but it’s the product they sell that concerns me…. On the other hand, they’ve never issued a product recall.
greenearthman over 10 years ago
It all started when some tribal shaman decided that his wife and kids needed a better chance at survival than others, and could get it if he convinced the tribe that he had “powers.” He might have had a bit of knowledge of healing or poisoning or astronomy or whatever, and played it right. His office became an institution(in the OT they were the tribe of Levi, I think) and priests, preachers, imams etc. have been set since then! Don’t ya love it!?
Packratjohn Premium Member over 10 years ago
Just like any shopping trip, you wouldn’t go there if you didn’t come away with something.
jpozenel over 10 years ago
This is exactly why I still wear my scapular…the nuns said that it would protect me…
Malcolm Hall over 10 years ago
For the sake of 4 bits, he ended up in cement overshoes. Thank goodness my membership is paid up.
Kip W over 10 years ago
Oh, God-Man! You Devil.