Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for April 03, 2010
Laura: I love online banking. I can see every transaction. Adam: Isn't it great? Laura: Hmm...can you explain this "Ike's Vacuum Cleaners" charge? Adam: Yes...umm...that was gonna be a surprise for your birthday. Laura: Oh, how romantic! A new vacuum cleaner? Can I please get oven mitts for our anniversary?
Edcole1961 almost 15 years ago
To put it another way, she thinks the vacuum cleaner idea really sucks.
Yukoneric almost 15 years ago
I bought myself a new vacuum for Christmas. Wife and I couldn’t agree on the brand, so I solved that one.
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
My wife’s ex husband bought her a broom for Valentine’s Day one year. I have the gift thing down. I think it comes from being raised by my mother, as my dad traveled for a living.
rmorgen1 almost 15 years ago
Could it just be possible that a man who loves his wife might buy her something that would make her life (cleaning the house) easier?
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
rmorgen1 yes, but not on a special day.
mrslukeskywalker almost 15 years ago
And a new ironing board for Christmas. What a catch that Adam was!
If he loved her that much morgen1, he’d clean the house himself to help her out, since she goes to work and takes care of 3 kids, and he’s home drinking coffee all day. Maybe doing housework would help his persistent writer’s block, and he could earn some money again.
comYics almost 15 years ago
At least she still has online banking.
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
Bad move, man!