This entire exchange can go no where good.Exit, shlinking, stage left.
Sophie, I’m sure there will be crumbs for you to schloop up once Doug is done. You can also wash him off.
What no “BAK!” when Doug pulls the bowl back.
Shlink, shlinking Shlonk. Shlank. Thank you everyone for the noun, verb, adjective. Though I definitely heard SHHh — Lllink, sHHh — lLLinK, SHHh — Lllink. <
Brian Anderson
Ida No over 10 years ago
This entire exchange can go no where good.Exit, shlinking, stage left.
ladykat Premium Member over 10 years ago
Sophie, I’m sure there will be crumbs for you to schloop up once Doug is done. You can also wash him off.
tcar-1 over 10 years ago
What no “BAK!” when Doug pulls the bowl back.
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
Shlink, shlinking Shlonk. Shlank. Thank you everyone for the noun, verb, adjective. Though I definitely heard SHHh — Lllink, sHHh — lLLinK, SHHh — Lllink. <