Not only did they cross the lines,They also dotted the i’s.
Nothing creepy about that……just when they linger a bit then it gets too creepy.As far as breakfast, EGGOS for everyone….YEAAAA!!!
Check your liver.
Now, if they were to pay his rent…
December 18, 2015
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Glass_Chameleon Premium Member over 10 years ago
Not only did they cross the lines,They also dotted the i’s.
Vet Premium Member over 10 years ago
Nothing creepy about that……just when they linger a bit then it gets too creepy.As far as breakfast, EGGOS for everyone….YEAAAA!!!
Michelle Morris over 10 years ago
Check your liver.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 10 years ago
Now, if they were to pay his rent…