Ray: Sweetheart, have a good day. Sammy make good choices. Mother... stay out of police lineups. Lola: Thats easier said than done!
How did Amy’s red hair turn grey so quickly? Oh, right, she lives with Lola.
It’s as if she dyed it grey. There was not even a hint of a grey hair in her last appearance…
That’s just a slip up…I hope.
Why is Amy’s hair gray all of a sudden?
Lola needs Sammy’s advice to stay out of the lineups.
June 28, 2014
lynnskay over 10 years ago
How did Amy’s red hair turn grey so quickly? Oh, right, she lives with Lola.
Megan Daley over 10 years ago
It’s as if she dyed it grey. There was not even a hint of a grey hair in her last appearance…
TCtoonz creator over 10 years ago
That’s just a slip up…I hope.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Why is Amy’s hair gray all of a sudden?
rshive over 10 years ago
Lola needs Sammy’s advice to stay out of the lineups.