I am an independent, but from my point of view Democrats fix the economy but leave inflation high, republicans don’t fix jobs, but focus on controlling inflation, which in its own way is good. Every time the power shifts, in a way it is almost needed and a good thing to switch back and forth. I would dread to see what would happen if the same party was in power too long, so I like having different parties in power every so often.
But that is just my life, before that time I couldn’t tell you what happened.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 10 years ago
The Great and Powerful Oz has everything under control.
Baba27 over 10 years ago
And the lemonade’s not getting any fresher …
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
Either someone has developed a second face or they were caught in motion of swinging their head away from the lemonade stand.
Loijen over 10 years ago
If you keep raising your prices Peter, everyone will learn how to make their own Lemonade! Hee Hee
wolfhoundblues1 over 10 years ago
Inflation is the effect when the government prints more money, thereby devaluing the money in circulation.
jtviper7 over 10 years ago
They up the social Security 1and a half %… Prices go up and that increase = ONE TANK OF GAS PER MONTH. SOMETHING’S NOT RIGHT HERE.
cubswin2016 over 10 years ago
And this bump on my head is what mother’s rolling pin did to me.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Tomorrow: Fresh steamed clams served with lemonade…
ColonelClaus over 10 years ago
@CooncatAnd the storal of the morey is… So noop yor So says the noup satzi.
Ok… So I got tongue tied
ColonelClaus over 10 years ago
@ CooncatAnd the storal go the morey is…So noup yor fou!So says the noup satzi
Ok… I get young tied and cauto-orrect messes mover oye!
angelfiredragon over 10 years ago
I am an independent, but from my point of view Democrats fix the economy but leave inflation high, republicans don’t fix jobs, but focus on controlling inflation, which in its own way is good. Every time the power shifts, in a way it is almost needed and a good thing to switch back and forth. I would dread to see what would happen if the same party was in power too long, so I like having different parties in power every so often.
But that is just my life, before that time I couldn’t tell you what happened.