Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer for April 01, 2010

  1. Statler
    HeckleMeElmo  almost 15 years ago

    Bet you’re not still tired of this: (Remix of the original video) Unlike most remixes this one is actually worth watching – but be sure you have seen the original first!

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  2. Possum
    Possum Pete  almost 15 years ago

    I remember when the internet was useful.

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  3. Missing large
    cobycombs  almost 15 years ago

    now I want to see the russian guy who sings. where would he be?

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  4. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  almost 15 years ago

    treblemaker, similarly, I would recommend anyone to watch Chad Vader’s version of Chocolate Rain after watching the original. (though I couldn’t make it more than two minutes through the original)

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