Freshly Squeezed by Ed Stein for September 18, 2016

  1. Olive oyl phooey
    Sir Ruddy Blighter  over 8 years ago

    Oh, I hope there’s a happy ending this week

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  2. Missing large
    conradcool  over 8 years ago

    Don’t know why they repeated this now. Yesterday when I was walking, a small dog came out barking from across the street and ran toward me. I heard a car from behind me and put my hand out for him to stop, but he didn’t see the small dog and it got trapped under his tire. When he backed up, the dog’s fur was peeled off of his body, and he only had one good foot which he used to limp back to his owners home. The driver, who is my neighbor and owns 3 dogs, was devastated. The owner of the little dog, which he said escaped from his back yard, took him to the emergency vet which I imagine put him to sleep. Why did it happen that I had walked to the place at the same time when the dog and the driver would meet with such deadly consequences?

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  3. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  over 8 years ago

    I am so sorry that happened Conrad Cool

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  4. Missing large
    conradcool  over 8 years ago

    Thank you for caring celecca.

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